Leeds City Council, Leeds Older People’s Forum and the Centre for Ageing Better are working in partnership to understand what it is like to age in Leeds and how we can make Leeds the ‘Best City To Grow Old In’.
This work is based on the approach taken to produce the national State of Ageing report published by Centre for Ageing Better.
To start this journey, we have collected data and evidence about the older population in Leeds. The data collected and initial analysis so far is presented in State of Ageing in Leeds
The next stage of this journey is to work with our partners to help us to understand and interpret the data and evidence we have already, tell us where the gaps are and share sources of evidence and evaluation.
To make contributions, you can contact joanne.volpe@leeds.gov.uk
The narrative emerging from the State of Ageing in Leeds report will be used as the basis for the review of the Age Friendly Leeds Strategy and action plan and feed into the Best Council Plan priority on Age Friendly.