Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework
The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) is used both locally and nationally to set priorities for care and support, measure progress and strengthen transparency and accountability. The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people.
Download the Leeds Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework to see the outcomes for Leeds.
Although the most recent Census was a few years ago in 2011, it’s still a useful source of information about the population and its characteristics. We’ve included the most frequently requested Census data on our reports and maps.
If you want to see more of the Census key statistics for an area, the Local Area Report on nomis is very good. Type in a postcode and choose whether to look at its ward, built-up area or other geographies. Or you can type in the ward name.
For the full range of Census tables, go to Census data on nomis
Children & Young People
On our Children and Young People profile we publish figures about the children who live in the area, rather than individual school performance data.
For comparing school performance, use the government’s Compare school performance service
This provides information on individual school performance and context, and also information aggregated to local authority and other levels. Search for primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges near you and check their performance.
You can view and download:
- exam and test results
- Ofsted reports
- financial information
For a wide range of analysis and data from the Department for Education, including children’s social care go to Statistics at DfE
Crime, fires and road traffic accidents
Government figures on crime levels and trends for England and Wales are based on two sets of statistics:
1. Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW)
2. Police recorded crime data
The Crime Survey for England and Wales can’t be used at geographies smaller than a region because of small numbers, so we use police recorded crime data on the Leeds Observatory from To learn more about crime statistics, read the latest statistical bulletin published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Crime in England and Wales. The ONS also publish user guides to crime statistics – Crime and justice methodology
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service statistics about deliberate and accidental fires are available from Data Mill North fire data
Leeds road traffic accident statistics are also available from Data Mill North road traffic accidents data
Data Mill North
Open data for the North of England – Data Mill North
Search for data from multiple sources, including Leeds City Council.
Financial Inclusion
The work on Financial Inclusion in Leeds City Council started in 2003 with a major research study into financial exclusion. The team works on research and evidence led initiatives around tackling high cost lending, reducing debt levels and increasing financial resilience of the poorest citizens and communities in the city, and problem gambling. To access research studies undertaken by or commissioned by the Financial Inclusion Team please visit
Economy & Employment
NOMIS Labour Market Profile – Leeds – NOMIS provides access to detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics.
Leeds Growth Strategy – The Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy sets out how Leeds City Council, the private sector, universities, colleges and schools, the third sector and social enterprises in the city will work together to grow the Leeds economy ensuring that everyone in the city contributes to, and benefits from, growth to their full potential.
Centre for Cities: Leeds – This fact sheet shows the distribution and concentration of jobs across Leeds. It contains data for a range of economic indicators.
Data Mill North – The Business & Economy section of Data Mill North contains a large amount of data and statistics relating the the Leeds economy.
Leeds Heritage
Leodis is a collection of over 60,000 digitised images of Leeds from the late 1800s to the present day. Browse or search the collections, comment and share memories. Discover the Leodis Collections page, using maps of the city to pinpoint past locations of parks, pubs, corner shops, arcades and more.
The Secret Library is the weekly heritage blog from Leeds Libraries, featuring highlights from their special collections (including rare books hiding in the stacks), plus insights into the history and architecture of the Central Library building and the surrounding Leeds area.
Our Leeds Population Profile shows the latest population estimates from the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
For more information about population statistics, please visit ONS Population and migration
Problem Gambling
In April 2016 Leeds City Council commissioned Leeds Beckett University to undertake research into the extent of problem gambling in Leeds and to better understand the current support systems that are in place to assist those affected. This research is now being used to improve the support available to those affected by gambling related harm and increase awareness of the issue. To download the research click the links below:
Executive Report
Full report
Conference presentations