The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is the official measure of deprivation in England and an updated version was published by the government in September 2019.

Index of Multiple Deprivation – how it works explains the things you need to know before exploring the results, including a summary of the data used in the IMD. (It is best to view this on a full-size screen rather than a mobile phone.)

Our analysis of the key findings is available in this storymap Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 Key Findings  This storymap doesn’t open in some older browsers. If you can’t open it then download this version Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 Key Findings PDF

For an interactive map of the IMD results for Leeds, see IMD 2019 Leeds map

You can download our Full results for Leeds spreadsheet which has the results for the overall IMD and the separate domains. It includes a ward column and highlights the most deprived 1%, 3% and 5%. It is important to remember that a lot of the data is from 2015/2016 so it will not reflect recent changes.

Local authority summaries
Although the IMD is based on small areas (LSOAs) and is designed to identify pockets of deprivation, the government also publish summary measures for larger areas like local authorities. See Leeds rankings in local authority summary measures

More information
For more information about the Index of Multiple Deprivation, see the Frequently Asked Questions  produced by the government.

Our resources from the previous Index of Multiple Deprivation (2015) can be found below.

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 resources

Full Leeds IMD 2015 results spreadsheet  – download this if you want all the IMD 2015 Leeds results on a spreadsheet. It also shows which neighbourhoods (LSOAs*) are in the most deprived 1%, 3% and 5% in England.

Leeds wards IMD 2015 ranking – download this for a chart showing Leeds wards ranked by the number of neighbourhoods (LSOAs*) in the most deprived 10% in England.

*See Guidance for an explanation of LSOAs.

Other poverty and deprivation resources

As well as the Index of Multiple Deprivation data, there is other information about deprivation across the Leeds Observatory. The following sections are particularly relevant:

Leeds Poverty Fact Book

Economy and Employment theme includes data about benefit claimants, unemployment and fuel poverty.

Financial Inclusion section has information about the work of the Financial Inclusion team, including problem gambling and poverty research.

The Leeds Joint Strategic Assessment (Leeds JSA) aims to provide a shared understanding of key health and wellbeing needs and inequalities within Leeds. It includes analysis of the wider factors that influence health and wellbeing.