Health & Wellbeing


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The Health and Wellbeing section of the Leeds Observatory gives access to information and statistics about health and wellbeing across the city of Leeds including information such as health inequalities, lifestyle factors including smoking, physical activity, obesity, alcohol, drugs, mental health, sexual health, healthy ageing, social care, and the main causes of death and disease.

The Director of Public Health (DPH) Annual Report plays an important part in public health practice, as an important vehicle for informing local people about the health of their community it provides necessary information for decision makers in local health services and authorities on health gaps and priorities that need to be addressed. Get all Leeds DPH reports here.

Profiles of health data can be viewed and downloaded at the Public health documents page for geography types such as Wards, Community Committees and Local Care Partnerships. Scroll further down this page to explore ward health data interactively.

Needs assessments are about understanding the requirements of the Leeds population to deliver a city where people are earning, learning, healthy, safe, and engaged. Read about subjects such as mental health, healthy living services, child nutrition and men’s health at the Needs Assessments page.

Finally, there is a glossary of terminology.

The vision for health and wellbeing in the city is that Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages. In order to address health and wellbeing, and commission services it is necessary to have access to good quality, timely information.

You can see ward level health data visualised further down this page, or for more specific information see the links below:

NOTE: The Leeds Observatory is currently under review and as such, some of the data below has been identified as out of date.  if you require up to date statistics from Public Health we recommend visiting the public health profiles available on the website of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. 

Health profiles and other documents Needs Assessments Director of Public Health
Ward profiles JSA Current DPH report
Community Committee profiles Gypsies, Travellers and Roma Groups in Leeds Access archived editions…
Local Care Partnership profiles Pharmacy …back to 2009
Suicide audit Mental Health
Drug & Alcohol strategy Lincoln Green HNA
Healthy living
Maternal & child nutrition
Oral health
Children & Young people
Women’s health  
Leeds BAME CYP HNA Glossary of terms