The 2023 Director of Public Health report

“Ageing Well: Our Lives In Leeds.”

What’s it like to age well in Leeds? ‘Ageing Well: Our Lives in Leeds’ is a powerful film sharing real stories from local people on their experience of ageing well in Leeds, and is part of this year’s Director of Public Health Report.

From the importance of social connections, keeping active and tackling health inequalities, these are some of the findings in the latest Director of Public Health Annual Report for Leeds, which looks at the health and wellbeing of people as they age and included over 900 local people aged over 50 sharing their experiences.

A PDF version of the report is available here

Watch our film ‘Ageing Well: Our Lives In Leeds’

The Executive Summary PDF is available here

Accessible version of this report


Previous Leeds DPH reports:

All directors of public health (DPH) are expected to produce an annual report for their area. Annual reports have played an important part in public health practice ever since the early days of medical officers of health. They remain an important vehicle for informing local people about the health of their community, as well as providing necessary information for decision makers in local health services and authorities on health gaps and priorities that need to be addressed. Their iterative nature also allows progress to be recorded and evaluated.

The 2022 Director of Public Health report

“In our shoes: Children and young people’s health in Leeds.”

This year’s report focuses on the current state of children and young people’s health in Leeds.  This includes exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their lives.  Through speaking directly to children and families in Leeds, together with an extensive literature review and analysis of local data, we have brought together a rich picture of ongoing health impacts.

Children were less likely to become ill with COVID-19 than adults.  They were not the focus of protective measures. However, the pandemic affected them profoundly and unequally.

A PDF version of the report is available here
Child-friendly summary report
An interactive version of the report is available here
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022 ‘In Our Shoes’ film
Hazel’s story:
Skye’s story:


Older reports

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2017-18
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2016 Part 1
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2016 Part 2
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014-15
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2013
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2012
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2012 (Facts and figures)
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2011
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2010
Director of Public Health Annual Report 2009

Local public health profiles (interactive reports by Leeds ODA)

Describing the people of Leeds, their health and inequalities:
Demographics in Leeds (GP recorded)
ONS mid year estimates demographics
Primary Care dashboard
Hospital admissions

Health data for download

Visit Data Mill North to access data files
GP recorded conditions in Leeds
Life expectancy
Mortality rates